Sustainable Development

Todd Corporation is guided by a strong set of Operating Principles derived from the long-term stewardship of the businesses by the family owners, and an enduring commitment to responsible actions.

Sustainable development principles associated with these core values have long been an important focus of Todd family businesses and how they operate.

Our approach to sustainable development and related voluntary disclosures continues to evolve as management standards and reporting frameworks become better defined across industries.

As significant New Zealand energy businesses, Todd Energy and Nova Energy are focused on helping meet New Zealand’s energy needs now and in the future. While aiming to meet this demand and ensure New Zealand has a secure and reliable energy supply, we are committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Todd’s operations, contributing to community growth and wellbeing, enhancing biodiversity assets, and avoiding environmental impacts.

  • Reporting frameworks

    Through sustainable development reporting, we disclose our impacts, identify risks and opportunities, and keep track on progress on our commitments and targets.


    Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards

    Our annual sustainable development report refers to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework. The GRI framework is a set of standards that enables companies to measure and communicate on environmental, economic, and social matters.


    Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

    The TCFD has helped guide our company to identify and disclose the impacts of material climate-related risks. Our annual sustainable development report addresses the core elements of recommended Climate-Related Financial Disclosures: governance, strategy, risk management and metrics and targets. We recognise the vital role the TCFD recommendations play in the transition to a low emissions economy.  


    United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Our reporting aligns with a range of the SDGs, including affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; life on land; and peace, justice and strong institutions.


    E SDG goals icons individual cmyk 8 E SDG goals icons individual cmyk 9 E SDG goals icons individual cmyk 17 E SDG goals icons individual cmyk 18

  • Targets

    Our sustainable development targets support New Zealand’s climate change response and aim to enhance the social and environmental outcomes of our work across the community.

    We commit to annual review of our targets, and improvements where possible. Setting intermediate targets will be a focus in 2023.


    Five-year targets (to 2025)

    We have committed to eight sustainable development targets with a target end date of 2025. The targets relate to energy and emissions; climate change; community contribution; and biodiversity and environmental management.


    Energy and emissions
    • Complete electrification of compression facilities which is expected to avoid ~300,000 tonnes of CO2e throughout the life the compressors (estimate is for Todd’s Scope 1 emissions and based on 2021 production profile).
    • Invest $2m in flare metering across Todd Energy NZ production facilities
    • Develop and implement a fugitive methane emissions programme at Todd Energy NZ


    Climate change
    • Invest $120m in renewable energy over a five-year period to 2025, either directly or in aggregate with a partner
    • Develop 100MW of solar energy capacity, either directly or with a partner


    • ~200% increase (30 ha) in biodiversity area planted and / or under management by 2025


    Indigenous community development
    • Double annual economic opportunity for local indigenous communities
    • Introduce a training and development programme specific to tangata whenua working in local industry


    Intermediate emissions reduction target


    In 2023, Todd set an intermediate emissions reduction target, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to reducing emissions. Todd's intermediate target has been developed to align with New Zealand's commitment under the Paris Agreement and aims to reduce Todd's locally produced Scope 1, 2 and 3* emissions by 41% by 2030 from a 2020 base year. The target also aligns with Todd's pledge to achieve Net Zero status for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2045 and our commitment to be Net Zero for Scope 1, 2 and 3* by 2050. 

    Continued investment in natural gas assets will be required to meet the country’s natural gas and electricity needs as New Zealand transitions to a low-emissions economy. This means Todd’s pathway to meeting its emissions targets will not be a linear one, however, we are 100% committed to achieving them. Please see page 12 of our 2023 Sustainable Development Report for more information on our target.

    * Category 11 - Use of sold products

    Long-term emissions reduction target


    Net-zero Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2045 

    Todd Corporation has adopted a target of becoming a net-zero company by 2045 on our Scope 1 and 2 emissions. 

    Todd’s carbon footprint span Scopes 1, 2 and 3.

    • Scope 1 emissions: direct emissions from fuel consumption and operational activity
    • Scope 2 emissions: indirect emissions associated with purchased energy
    • Scope 3 emissions: indirect emissions associated with the use of products that we sell, and supply chain emissions


    Reducing Todd’s Scope 3 emissions will naturally occur as and when natural gas end-users reduce their reliance on natural gas and/or switch to renewable energy. However, to expedite renewable energy uptake Todd will continue to research, identify, and progress opportunities with customers in this space including our grid-scale solar developments.

    Establishing a long-term emissions reduction target is consistent with New Zealand government policy and Todd’s commitment to supporting the transition to a low emissions economy at the lowest cost to New Zealanders

  • 2023 Sustainable Development Report

    Our 2023 Sustainable Development Report is a comprehensive document that reflects Todd’s impact on the economies and communities in which it operates, and our commitment to sustainability. The report details the strides we made in 2023, and our progress in strengthening the four pillars of our sustainable development framework.

    The 2023 Sustainable Development Report covers the 2023 year for Todd’s key operating businesses. The reporting entities are the business units of Todd Energy and Nova Energy, as well as Todd's corporate offices. The 2023 report is Todd’s third publicly available Sustainable Development Report.

    2023 Sustainable Development Report [21MB]

    2023 Sustainable Development Report Executive Summary [8MB]

  • 2022 Sustainable Development Report